Entry Information

Dance Classifications and Categories

Regular Classifications


This classification applies to participants entering any dance competition for the very first time. Novice soloist: is defined as someone who has never competed in a solo in any dance discipline. 100% Novice for duet/trio (never competed in a solo, duet or trio).

Competitive Division Level I

This classification applies to participants whose training and rehearsal time in dance (individual or group lessons) and/or acro/gymnastics does not exceed more than 6 hours per week. In Duet/Trio, Groups, Lines and Productions, all participants’ training and rehearsal time must not exceed more than 6 hours. If one or more participants in a routine is training more (than 6 hours) then the entry must be entered in the “Competitive Division II” classification.

Competitive Division Level II

This classification applies to participants whose training and rehearsal time in dance (individual or group lessons) and/or acro/gymnastics exceeds 6 hours per week. If one or more participants in a routine is training less than 6 hours per week, the routine will remain placed under this classification as long as one or more participants training and rehearsal time exceeds 6 hours per week.

Special Classifications


This classification applies to a dancer that has graduated from High School who receives financial compensation for performing or for instruction services of any type (assisting, instructing and/or choreographing) and/or is a student receiving full time education in dance (ie. post-secondary school).

Participants are only eligible for Adjudication Placement and Adjudicator’s Choice Awards.


This classification is for a Duet/Trio, Group, Line or Production routine that contains at least one “Teacher/Professional” (see definition above) as well as participants. Participants are only eligible for Adjudication Placement, Adjudicators’ Choice Awards and Top Mark Pro/Am.


This classification is for a routine where the average age is 19 years of age or over. The routine can consist of a participant’s “parent or guardian” and/or recreational adult students. A “Teacher/Professional” (defined above) is not permitted to compete under this classification (please use Pro/Am or Teacher/Professional). Family routines can also be entered in this category (example: mother and daughter, who is also a participant in the competition). Any dance discipline or any combination of dance disciplines are acceptable. Participants are only eligible for Adjudication Placement, Adjudicators’ Choice Awards and Top Mark Adult/Parent.



A routine consisting of jazz technique, isolations and all other characteristics of the style of jazz dancing. Up to 3 acrobatic tricks are allowed.


A routine based on the principles of modern technique using an abstract style of movement; demonstrating contraction, extension, stretch & flexibility and the ability to create interesting lines by working both on and off the participant(s) center of balance. No acrobatic tricks are allowed.


A routine which interprets the lyrics and mood/emotion of the song (vocal or instrumental), showing balance, extension, flexibility and control using jazz and/or modern technique. Up to 3 acrobatic tricks are allowed.


A form of dance emphasizing artistic expression, interpretation and emotion; while demonstrating, breath, relaxation, agility, strength, contraction and release, through unique choreography to any style of music. Up to 3 acrobatic tricks are allowed.


A routine that consists of tap technique & steps. No pre-recorded tap sounds in the routine’s music are allowed. Double or jingle taps are not allowed. Up to 3 acrobatic tricks are allowed.

Hip Hop / Street Dance

A routine consisting of free style hip hop & street dance technique and style.


A routine consisting of classical ballet steps, technique and movements. No acrobatic tricks are allowed.


A routine demonstrating classical ballet steps and technique using pointe shoes. No acrobatic tricks are allowed.

Demi Character & Character

A routine which utilizes ballet technique and mime to portray a character. Instrumental music must be used. No acrobatic tricks are allowed.

Ethnic / National

A routine using ethnic dance steps and style such as Highland, Irish, Ukrainian, etc. Costuming should compliment the ethnic style which is being demonstrated.

Step Dancing

A routine utilizing step dancing technique, style, rhythmic patterns and formations. No pre-recorded tap sounds are allowed on the recording. No acrobatic tricks are allowed.

Acro / Gymnastics

A routine using acrobatic, gymnastic, contortionist, flexibility and dance movements within a choreographed routine. Unlimited acrobatic tricks are allowed.


A routine which demonstrates vocal pitch, range and control. Accompaniment must be an instrumental piece of music (provided on a cd with no lead vocals present on the recording). No acrobatic tricks are allowed.

Song & Dance

A routine that includes a maximum of 50% singing with the balance of the routine demonstrating any dance discipline. No lip syncing is allowed nor are any lead vocals to be present on the recorded music accompanying the routine.

Musical Theater

A routine consisting of any type of theatrical dance as performed in live musical theatre, film or television. Any words/vocals contained on the recorded music must be lip-synced.


A routine consisting of any combination of dance disciplines with 12 or more participants. The routine must have a theme and/or storyline throughout the entire performance. Lip syncing and/or vocals are permitted. If props such as chairs, stairs, etc. are used, they must be utilized in a large portion of the routine. Productions are only eligible for Adjudication Placement, Adjudicators’ Choice Awards and Top Mark Production. All production routines in all classifications are eligible for the Top Mark Production Award.


A combination of any of the above listed categories or a routine that does not fit into any of the above listed categories. A routine entered in another category cannot also be placed under this category. “Open” is not a category for the placement of a second routine in the same discipline done by the same participants already in another category.


  1. OnStage Productions reserves the right to combine or split entries of a category as well as add categories as it sees fit.
  2. An “Acrobatic Trick” is defined as movement where the hips pass over the head. Illusions, front and back rolls, as well as general lifts are not classified as a trick. If your routine does not meet the “no acrobatic tricks” rule or is over the allotment stated for the jazz category, please enter the routine in either the acro/gymnastics or the open category.
  3. Regardless of whether or not a routine is entered correctly in a category, the judging panel will mark on the student’s ability and a decision will be made if necessary to move their mark to an alternate category for placement. The entry will still be awarded their adjudication score during the session in which it performed.
    1. A routine may be entered only once from each dance studio;
    2. A participant may not compete more than once in the same category and age division, unless 50% of the dancers change or the same category and dance division moves to a higher age division. Soloists wishing to perform a second solo in the same dance form (e.g. two jazz solos may do so if they move up to the next age level. (Please indicate on the entry form if participant(s) has entered a higher age division, for one of the purposes outlined above, so that OnStage Productions knows this is your preference and not an error.)


Solo 1 participant
Duet/Trio 2 to 3 participants
Small Group 4 to 9 participants
Large Group 10 to 15 participants
Line 16 to 24 participants
Extended Line 25 or more participants
Production 12 or more participants

Age Divisions

All competitors will compete in individual age divisions. For the purposes of Overall Awards the divisions will be as follows:

Mini 8 & under
Junior 9, 10 & 11
Intermediate 12, 13 & 14
Senior 15 through 18
Adult 19 & up


  1. All ages are as of December 31. For Duets/Trios, Small or Large Groups, Lines and Productions, add the ages of all participants then divide by the number of participants. Drop all decimal points. Participants will be responsible for providing proof of age should an age eligibility challenge arise.
  2. OnStage Productions reserves the right to combine age divisions in the event of limited entries.

Performance Time Limits

Solo 2:45 minutes
Duet/Trio 2:45 minutes
Small Group 3:30 minutes
Large Group 3:30 minutes
Line/Ext Line 4:00 minutes
Production 5:00 to 12:00 minutes


  1. Time Limits include prop setup time and entrance and exits. For productions, please specify on the registration form the time required for set up and take down of props/sets.
  2. A deduction of 0.5 per 30 seconds will be made by each judge for routines exceeded the maximum time limits.